1. Performers must be no younger than 8 or no older than 17 on the day of the contest.
2. A total of 10 performers/groups will be selected to perform at the El Paso County Fair’s Amazing Kids Contest.
3. DEADLINE for applications is Wednesday , July 3, 2024
All selected performers will be notified by July 10, 2020.
4. Please submit completed application
5. Individuals and group performers are allowed. *Previous 1st place winners are ineligible.
6. There is no registration fee and performers will be provided free entry into the Fair. All guests will pay Fair admission. However, Wednesday is Dollar Day and so everyone can enter the Fair for $1!
7. The contest will be conducted in the dance tent and performers / guests are encouraged to park (free) in the South parking lot.
8. Each performer will have a ten minute time limit. The performer does not have to perform for the entire ten minutes.
9. No obscene or offensive lyrics or body gestures will be allowed. Any lyrics or behavior determined to be inappropriate will result in disqualification.
10. We will provide two microphones, one mixer, two monitor speakers, CD player and two speakers. Any additional equipment will need to be provided by the performer. All CD’s must be provided at registration and should be clearly marked with performer’s name and track number.
11. Performers must arrive at the Fairgrounds by 4:45 p.m. on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.
12. A panel consisting of a minimum of three judges will judge performers based on the following criteria: Overall ability, stage presence, and unique performance.
13. Prizes will be awarded for first ($500), second ($250) and third ($100) places that will be used to further the performer’s unique talent.