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Rental Application

(Party, Wedding, Dog Show, etc)
Same day, day before, etc.
Same day, next day etc.
Facility/Building Requested
Check all that apply (individual/commercial)
Additional Items Needed
Please mark all that apply
Describe al food services planned for this event.
Describe all utilities required for this event
What equipment are you bringing to the event?
Anything Else?
Insurance Required for Pubic & Commercial Events.

The submission of this application is not a guarantee of availability. Fair & Events Center staff will follow up with a confirmation email. No rental reservation is final until the application is approved and a deposit in the form of cash or check has been received. Facility walk-through, bar service fees, and final payment must be received no less than 30 business days prior to the Event.

Unless otherwise agreed upon, no onsite staff support is available on Sundays. If needed, additional approval is required along with a Staff Operations Fee of $50/hr (minimum of 3 hours).

By signing below, I hereby agree to have read and abide by by all El Paso County Fairground Rules and Regulations and the expectations lined out in the rental packet. I am aware that violating any rule may result in the loss of my reservation, the forfeiture of my deposit, the imposition of clean-up fees or any applicable fines, or any combination thereof. To the extent authorized by the law, I shall defend, indemnify and hold El Paso County free and harmless from and against any and all liabilities, demands, claims, damages, legal suites, judgments, and decrees, and Court awards including costs, expenses, and attorney fees, on account of injuries to or death of any person or persons, including myself, or damage to any property arising out of or related to my intentional or negligent acts, errors, or omissions or those of my agents, officers, servants and employees, subcontractors or assignees, whether contractual or otherwise, while using park facilities pursuant to the permit. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to waive or otherwise limit the defenses available to the County pursuant to the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act or otherwise proved by law.

I agree to the terms and conditions
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